Thursday, March 1, 2012

Finally, a chance to beat up some bad guys!!!!

Left you at a bit of a cliffhanger, didn't I? Now I get why writers like to torture their readers with those *cackles evilly then chokes and starts coughing* Oh, from now on, all my commentary stuff will be after the story 'kay? Now let's get on with it!!!

   I whirled around to face the... thing that put it's claw/hand/something-with-five-finger-like-things on my shoulder. And what met my eyes was, for lack of a better term, THE CREEPIEST CREEPER I EVER SAW IN MY LIFE!!!!!! It's kinda hard to describe but it was beautiful and ugly at the same time. That doesn't make sense, does it? Well, it was shifting between the two appearences and, oh great there were more.
   Elara and I immedietly sprung into action, and soon the rest of the Chosen followed. I mean, what else are you going to do if monsters randomly come and take over your picnic. Scream?
Unfortunately, the Chosen are not blessed with epic ninja skills. And while Elara, being a Flower Fairy Ninja, actually has epic ninja skills, she's only like, five inches tall. It's really really hard to do a lot of damage when you're five inches tall.
   Basically we were doomed.
   I heard a strangled noise behind me and spun around. One of the things got Elli!  It was squeezing her neck and her face was already starting to turn purple. Crashing the picnic wasn't cool, but this? Like a billion times worse.
I took a deep breath to calm myself before I got too angry and something burst into- I wrinkled my nose. The air smelled like... Cinnamon? I looked down. Oops, too late.
   The grass around me was already in flames.
    An evil smile was on my face. Well, if life gives you fire... Blow something up.
    I raised my hands, and the flames got higher. Then I pushed them forward. The fire spread rapidly towards the monster that had Elli. The thing stopped choking Elli, and tugged her in front of it. Immediately, I stopped. But not before some of the other monsters blew up. Now that I think about it... It did kinda seem like they were dipped in gasoline...
Creeper dude (Yes, I'm going to start calling the one with Elli, Creeper dude. It's tiring to keep calling it, the monster who has Elli, or something like that.) curled it's fingers around Elli's neck, but it didn't squeeze.
"It appears we're at a stalemate." I said.
It replied calmly "No, not really. I could care less about my own life, but you obviously care about hers." It geastured at Elli. "So let's make a deal. I'll let the girl go, if you give me your jewel."
For a moment, I was shocked. I didn't think something that looked like a blob dipped in gasoline half the time to have a voice like that. It was kinda like chocolate, all rich and smooth.
But then what it said got to me. So either Elli or the jewel... I unhooked the jewel and threw it at Creeper dude.
Wouldn't you do that if it was your sister?
It threw Elli to the side, and it's fingers had barely touched the jewel, when I blacked out.


I woke up in my bed ( I was transferred to my bedroom after the first portal incident) panting, my mind racing. The first thing I did was rummage through my stuff. And guess what? The jewel was GONE.
I tried to fall asleep again, but every time I closed my eyes I would see Elli choking to death, and unanswered questions kept drifting through my mind. Finally, I gave up and ran downstairs to get some answers for once.

* Hello, Elara here! Lexi has recently become obsessed with a game called Duck Life 4, and I have taken the opportunity to hack into her blog! Personally, I think the ducks look creepy. But anyway I found something interesting, and I just thought you all might want to see it. So go to

Elara, over and out!*


  1. Love it! Fairy ninjas are obviously the beastliest ninjas ever! Five inches of pure awesomeness!

  2. O_0 What... just... happened... here? ....................... *mind explodes* Either I'm crazy or this was posted like, an eternity and a half agao.
