Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Revelations are... revealed!!!

 *singing*-AND A SONG IS A STEPPIN' STONE/ KINDA LIKE THE WAY YOU FEEL WHEN YOU LET STARS SING YOU HOOOOOOOOOOOOME- Whaaat? It's on? Oh um, pretend you didn't see that last part, kay?  Anyway more to tell...

 As soon as I fell asleep, I felt the waterslide-like feeling only portals gave. More portals!!! If this kept up, I might start throwing up rainbow glitter! Trust me,that would not be pretty.
  It transported me back in the same world I was before. Did you really expect me to go somewhere else? This time I managed to land gracefully instead of falling in a heap. Well, at least I was getting better at portals...
  I felt a slight pressure on my shoulder, and I whipped my head around.
  "Oh, hi Elara." I was used to her appearing randomly. "Do you have any reason for being here? And no, you are not allowed to say you came here 'cause you're bored."
  The impish little fairy sighed "Oh well, caught again. But it wasn't my fault that the Flower Fairy Ninjas didn't have any missions for me. Honestly, you don't even know just how boring it can get over there!" She launched herself into the air, and started hovering in front of me.
  "Unfortunately, I'm on a serious mission for once. I have absolutely no time to play with you."
  "That's not the only reason I came here, you know. The other one was the glitter fairy comment. I mean, did you really think you were gonna get away with that? Besides," she said looking me over. "It's a major improvement."
   I looked down and groaned, well at least I pretended to. I was wearing the same dress as before!
   "What was wrong with what I was wearing before?!?! Wait, how did you find out about that comment? I know for a fact the FFN can't get on my blog!"
   She just smirked. "Well I planted a magical bug on your jewel."
   I felt a flare of heat at my wrist when she said the word jewel. I didn't have to look down to know thatI was wearing it. Usually, I'd be really ticked off at the person that got it on me, but I felt I might need it later...
   "Oh, look they're here!" I squealed, waving wildly at the people at the crest of the hill. "Come on, let's go see them!"
    "Ok, already!" Elara yelled as I tried to grab her. "I'm coming. Just be careful with those wings!!!"
    I wrinkled my nose when we came to the top. That smell... It was reeeeeeaaaaaally disgusting, and yet oddly familiar all at the same time. I couldn't place it though. And I was pretty sure that I'd remember the place I smelled that.
   Elli waved her hand in front of my face. "Hellooo, anyone in there?"
   I laughed. "Don't you know that line is so overused?"
   "And yet it never ever gets old, like the millions of other overused lines you keep helpfully pointing out to me."
   I snorted. "I'm glad you're so grateful for my help. Now, are you going to introduce me to the other Chosen or what?"
   "Well why don't we start now?"
   After a lot of introductions (and chocolate *grins*) I found myself sitting down with Elli at the edge of the group.
    "So... What do you do here?" I asked
    Her face lit up at the memories. "We have picnics, and dances, and parties," Elli flaid down on the grass, giggling." Fun stuff."
    I frowned. This all seemed connected somhow. Suddenly,it all came flooding back to me. The night of Elli's birthday ball. That icky smell was in the air, too. And when I found Elli she was laying on the floor, just like she was doing now. I stared at her, horrorstruck
    Until I felt a cold hand clamp down on my shoulder.  

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! Rainbows! Wait, what? You're doing the suspense thing? I love it! Almost as good as mine... *grins evily* Anyway, love the blog! And love your story!
