Saturday, March 10, 2012

This is not part of the story. I repeat, this is not part of the story.

So, I'm at a part of the mission where I have everything planned out, but I haven't written a lot of it :( Anyway, I wanted to know if people would rather have shorter, quicker posts, or longer posts that would take me a longer time to update.

Remember, the fate of the mission depends on you!


  1. Just so you know, I am not going to post until someone comments back on this. I wouldn't post about this if it wasn't important!!! And I'm just wondering, what do you think Lexi looks like? I haven't done a description of her yet, you know.

  2. Long posts, like I do. I think a writer gets more descriptive oppritunities that way.

    1. Oh, and I think Lexi more as a light brunete or dark blonde, with hazel eyes, who wears sparkly lip gloss and scented glitter spary. Those last two are just what I imagine any pre-teen girl wearing.

  3. *laughs hysterically* That's actually kinda close to what I think she looks like, but the make-up? Way off. Lexi is a bit fashion-oriented, but she absolutely hates make-up. And I asked some of my friends who are reading this too, and so far short post are winning. I don't mean they'll be any less descriptive, but... Well, you'll see eventually.

  4. Sorry for not posting yet. I've been really busy this week.I'll try to do one on the weekend
