Sunday, February 12, 2012

Never mind, that last one was test prep. THIS is the real test

The hypocrite strikes again! But really, I am weird this way. Have story, will continue.

  The door swung open revealing... a pink panda party! Just kidding. I'd be so much more happier if that happened.
  It swung open revealing... a portal! In all it's rainbowy awesomeness of course.
  I gasped."Woah, cool! Where does it lead t-" The general cut me off and pushed me in. Before the office disappeared from my view, I saw the desperation on his face.
  My happy ending instincts kicked in. What was that about? I grinned evilly. Maybe a happy ending wasn't so hard after all. Then I closed my eyes and let the sparkles take me away...

  I hate to interrupt (Not really. Quit talking- You mean typing. Just stop!!!) *sigh* There are some things I'll never get and one of them is Rila. Anyway, time for a crash course on portals!
  Every single world has magic, but it tends to show in different ways. We kinda travel place to place using that world-magic. To open one, you have to give a certain spot an overload of magic. That's the easy part. The tricky part is getting where you want to go.
  If a path hasn't been mapped out for a portal, it'll usually drop you on the star road that connects all worlds. It's nice and all, but you tend to get lost after a while. The Realm Travelers have a different way to do it, 'cause they deal mostly with the book-worlds a.k.a. Realms. We deal with the imaginary/ dream ones. Anyway do you catch my drift?(wood. Sorry I couldn't resist!) Back to the story!

  I was dropped off literally, on a meadow with tall, green grass. Laughter came from afar. Everything was practically screaming at me to go investigate. I stood and brushed the portal dust a.k.a. GLITTER, off. Unfortunately, I still looked like a sparkle fairy (No, I didn't mean that in a bad way Elara!) Wait... Something was wrong with that picture. I looked down. I was wearing a dress! How did I end up in one?!?! Did the general know about my weakness for pretty dresses?!?!
   Someone was running towards me. "Lexi!"
   "Elli?" I asked, astonished "But what are you doing here? Where are we? Why-"
  "Before I answer those, you have to see this!" And with that she grabbed my hand and pulled me away.
  Soon we came across a... picnic? Everyone there was talking and giggling. They looked well, happy. I recognized some faces, and I frowned trying to place them. All of a sudden it hit me, these people were the Chosen!
  "Elli, Elli," I tugged on her sleeve urgently. "How did you get here?"
  "Um, I think I was..." Elli thought for a moment. "You know what, I really don't remember."
  I just gaped at her in horror as everything started to fade away.

A couple blackouts, rainbows, and fuzzy side effects later...

Back in the office, the general gave me an explanation. Apparently, he created another world when the jewels were stolen. Then, before the Chosen drifted off forever he somehow managed to get them in the world he created.
  "So, you're one of the world-maker people thingys!!!"
  "Um, yeah that's right." He looked embarrassed.
  "But that's awesome! Why didn't you tell me?!?!"
  He shrugged. "Can we get on another subject now?"
  "Ok then, who do you have a crush on?"
   "Who do you have a crush on?' I smiled. It was just like old times.
   "No one! Why did you ask?"
   "So I could read your mind and figure out. You have a crush on Elli, don't you" And for the record, the general's about the same age as me.

 Anyway the general's not a suspect anymore. Which brings us back to square one. I'm starting to think I need some outside help on this *coughrealmtravelerscough*. Also I got a portal call from the rest of the gang. They said they had to go back to the missions they were on.  Oh I forgot to mention, the reason the posts are like this now is 'cause when I was in the GDK HQ, I found one of those headset things you can talk through and it will type what you said on the computer. I linked it to the blog, used a bit of magic and volia, instant blogger! Always random, ever changing,

P.S. Now I realize that tests have nothing to do with this!!! Oh well, too bad


  1. I'm commenting on my own blog. That's just lame. Anyway, if this post and the last post didn't seem to fit together, that's probably 'cause of the headset. I'm still working out the bugs. Toodles!

  2. "Outside help *coughrealmtravelerscough*?" Way to be subtle. ;) Though, of course you need help from the pros. *smiles smugly* But, which RT you get depends on when you asks for help. Please coordinate with me so we don't accidentally end up with a paradox/ TrailBlaiser on a mission here and somewhere else doing something totally diffrent. I realize that probably made no sense whatsoever. It sounded cooler in my head, honestly. Anyway, please don't contact the RTHQ until the end of "Rampant" AND "Project Lion". I will try to make the segments as brief as possible, but when your dealing with hardcore plot twists, it might take some time.

  3. Yeah I know, it's just the fact I couldn't resist! Probably don't need their help after all. I just had writers block when I wrote that but now I don't. *grins evilly*

  4. I'm sure Mystique has it all under control. ;) Or at least can pretend that they know what's going on.

  5. If you ever need a mission, I have a story that needs a happy ending. I read it in Pre-Ap English today. Short story, "The Lady, or the Tiger". It uses some confusing words, but you'll get the gist of it, I'm sure! :) I was just reading today, and it totally screamed Mystique! Please check it out!

    1. Just read it and OMG you are so right! I mean usually we'd leave the stories to you but just this once... ;)

    2. While stories are our main focus, we don't normally do "happily ever afters." That's why we gave you this one. Realm Travelers gether information. We tell the story that wasn't told. The one the author didn't write.
