Monday, April 2, 2012

XD intermission time

This is my late April Fool's gift. Hope you enjoy!

I lay in bed and stared up at the ceiling. Just one more minute... The clock struck midnight. Immediately, I jumped out from under the covers, and opened the locket that was always on my neck. Rainbow sparkles shot out, and I found myself sliding through a portal.
"Ow!" I exclaimed, after landing face first. "Where did all the pillows go!?!?"
"We took them." I turned around. It was those irritating dwarves again.
"But we need those pillows!"
"No, you don't."
"You try falling from what feels like 20 stories high on a hardwood floor!"
"You try sitting in front of a control board for days without any relief!"
I scowled. The dwarves controlled the portals we used, and they never let us forget it.
The two of us were locked in an epic stare down, when a thump came from behind us. Grumpy, a.k.a. irritating dwarf #1, blinked.
"Ha, I win!" I shouted pumping my fist in the air. A couple more thumps came from behind. I turned around. " Ru! Srigi! Tay! Rila! You're finally here!"
"Would you quit with the yelling, already?" Grumpy grumbled. (Hey, alliteration!)
"Never!" I proclaimed.
Srigi spoke up."So anyway, what story are we going to tonight?"
An evil grin spread across both Ru's and Rila's face. "We were thinking Harry Potter." We all cheered, except for Tay.
"I'll only go if we do the fourth book." Tay said.
"I'm cool with that!"
"Let's go already!"
"I can't wait!"
A portal opened in front of us. What do you think we all did? Well, we jumped in, and subjected ourselves to the awesomeness about to happen.

This was the first version of the Mystique. Did you like it?


  1. BTW, the mission might be coming to a close soon :) Just so you know.

  2. Harry Potter? A book? Don't you think you're jumping on my turf there? JK (Rowling)! Sorry, I know about a gazillion HP jokes. If I don't use them they might just explode. (In case you didn't get it, JK stands for joking) I felt I needed to say that because some of my friends still don't know what "LOL" is. It's sad, really...

  3. Are you ever gonna update this thing?! I know that's a little harsh, but I'm dying to read your fantastic stories! Please write more!

    1. No, you have total rights to call me out on that. Truth, is I've just been working on ... Something. *evil laugh*
