You know what I just realized? I realized that it seems I've been blogging every day. Blame it all on the time warp, ok? Blogging is kinda addicting too, though.
In reality, we've been here for a couple of weeks, and I have to say the Groupidontknowthenameof runs a pretty tight ship. Oh, I know their actual name now! But they made me swear not to tell (aww). And the people who stole the jewels? They've vanished off the face of the world. Well, not really (I wish it was true) we just haven't had any appearences from them in a while. Which means I have nothing to do but blog!!!
Ha, I remember what I came here to say! So, the GDK (that's what I'm going to call the Groupidontknowthenameof from now on) had this epic plan to sneak into the Phirexiell palace to see what was going on, right? They were all like "All we need to know now is if there's any secret passageways!"
I had to tell them I was only in the palace for a few days. And most of the time I was sleeping. It was worth it just to see the expressions on their faces. We all just burst into giggles when we saw. It's been a loooong time since I've had a good laugh. Now we don't have a plan at all to sneak into the palace, but we'll think of something. Eventually.
You know what else I just realized? My blog posts have been way too depressing so far. This one's going to be different. Why? 'Cause I am going to tell about one of the weirdest missions I've ever been on. But first some good news. Elli was rolling over and laughing in her coma. So were all the other Chosen. Some may call that weird, But I think it's nice to know that they're happy in their coma-dreamland thing. I'm starting to get sleepy, so I'll write about the mission next time. Looking up to the stars,
P.S. Finally a random post (^ ^) I haven't been weird enough on this blog and that's what it's supposed to be for. So hooray!!!
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