Friday, April 6, 2012

Let the interrogation begin!

Hey I'm back again!
(And I tagged along too!!!)
Quit talking on my blog Elara!!!
(I will when you give me my cookies back)
You know I ate them already, right?
*facepalm* Why me?
('Cause you posted my diary online, remember?)
Do you see what I have to go through every day?
(You're just jealous 'cause someone said flower fairy ninjas are beastly)
Well, they're not beastly when they forget their shruikens!!!
(Either way, I'm still totally awesome at fighting)
Oh, you are so dead
(Wait, what about the people listening to us?)
What peop- Oh, you mean the blog. Well, sorry to take so long-
(And on with the show!)

Well, when you're looking for answers , where do you go? The library!!!
Unfortunately, I hadn't explored the palace yet, so I didn't know where the library was, but I knew there was one! I mean, a palace can't be called a palace till it has a library.
I crashed through a random door, hoping it led to the library. It obviously didn't. Instead, I found myself in one of those sitting room things that come before the actual bedroom.
A sleepy voice came from behind me "What are you doing here?"
I turned around. It was the general speaking. I must've stumbled into his room.
An evil grin spread across my face. Now that I thought about it... He could probably answer most of my questions.
And so, the rapid-fire interrogation began.
"So... Is it actually possible to travel to another world when you're asleep?"
"Um, yeah. You pretty much travel to another world every time you have a dream."
"Hmm... Interesting... Why do you insist on being called the general? I mean, Henry's a perfectly good name."
"It's still boring! Besides, you know my ambition is-"
"To have a huge army of your own and take over the world, yeah, yeah. So, why did I get stuck in the dungeon anyway?"
He scratched his head "I don't know what you mean. Didn't you just come here through that portal to the world I made?"
This whole thing was getting really suspicious. And irritating too. It's like all I ever do is ask questions.
"Okay, last question. Where's the library?"
The general pointed down the hallway "Just keep going straight until you come to a huge set of double doors that have the word 'library' on them in huge letters. You can't miss it."
I nodded slowly "Okey dokey. Well, bye now!" I went running down the hallway again and crashed through the right set of doors this time.
"Now, where should I look first?" My eyes landed on the 'forbidden' shelves at the back. "Perfect!" I rushed to them only to get smacked in the forehead.
"Oww! Who does that, seriously!?" I picked up the book at my feet. Chronicles of the Chosen, weird... Maybe this book would give me some of the answers I need.
I skipped out the library, satisfied that my little quest for answers was almost over. Well, I was skipping until something hit me on my head again. What is it with hitting my head today?! I picked up the thing and stared at it in shock. It was a small portrait of a girl with shoulder length brown-black hair, and dark eyes that flashed when she was amused.
It was a portrait of me.
Pocketing the picture, I went back to my bedroom. I had some reading to do.

Elara, let me out!
(Um, no way.)
I can't believe you had to lure me in here with chocolate.
(What can I say, drastic times require drastic measures. Anyway, see you soon!)
WHAT?!?! You can't just sign off without letting me go!!!
(I just did)

Elara (and Lexi too, I suppose)

Monday, April 2, 2012

XD intermission time

This is my late April Fool's gift. Hope you enjoy!

I lay in bed and stared up at the ceiling. Just one more minute... The clock struck midnight. Immediately, I jumped out from under the covers, and opened the locket that was always on my neck. Rainbow sparkles shot out, and I found myself sliding through a portal.
"Ow!" I exclaimed, after landing face first. "Where did all the pillows go!?!?"
"We took them." I turned around. It was those irritating dwarves again.
"But we need those pillows!"
"No, you don't."
"You try falling from what feels like 20 stories high on a hardwood floor!"
"You try sitting in front of a control board for days without any relief!"
I scowled. The dwarves controlled the portals we used, and they never let us forget it.
The two of us were locked in an epic stare down, when a thump came from behind us. Grumpy, a.k.a. irritating dwarf #1, blinked.
"Ha, I win!" I shouted pumping my fist in the air. A couple more thumps came from behind. I turned around. " Ru! Srigi! Tay! Rila! You're finally here!"
"Would you quit with the yelling, already?" Grumpy grumbled. (Hey, alliteration!)
"Never!" I proclaimed.
Srigi spoke up."So anyway, what story are we going to tonight?"
An evil grin spread across both Ru's and Rila's face. "We were thinking Harry Potter." We all cheered, except for Tay.
"I'll only go if we do the fourth book." Tay said.
"I'm cool with that!"
"Let's go already!"
"I can't wait!"
A portal opened in front of us. What do you think we all did? Well, we jumped in, and subjected ourselves to the awesomeness about to happen.

This was the first version of the Mystique. Did you like it?