I blinked at the strange sight of a flash mob, in tuxes and glittering dresses. Even stranger was the fact they were dancing the Caramelldansen. Do you know how hard that is?!?! It took me hours to get it right and I still looked like an idiot while doing it.
I shook my head after realizing I had been staring much too long at the flash mob, and started pushing my way through the crowd.
I'm pretty sure I stepped on way too many skirts and shoes, and I was apologizing non-stop. This all stopped when I saw her face.
"Laixa!!!" I immediately ran and bear hugged her. "I haven't seen you in ages!!! Is this your new life? You still have your awesome fashionista skills, right? Did you make tons of new friends?" Her puzzled expression told me everything I needed to know. "Oh, this is probably that incident you told me about, I'm guessing. Well then," I stuck my hand out. "My name is Alexandra Sarielle Rue, but you can just call me Lexi. The next time you see me, you have to teach me all about my fire magic, and those awesome fashionista skills I mentioned earlier. Promise?
"...Okay" Laixa said hesitantly, the look on her face screaming 'get me away from this crazy person'.
I beamed at her. "Great! Now if you'll excuse me, I only really came here for this." I casually slid a moonstone armband off of someone's arm. "So, ta ta for now, and remember, you promised!" I winked at her and hightailed it out of there.
Panting hard, I stopped in a dark alcove. I grasped the piece of jewelry with both hands, and created a portal.
After being subjected to torture by rainbow sparkles...
I plopped down hard, back in the Phiriexiell palace. I looked at my surroundings quizzically; I thought I still had two more jewels left to go...
Elli sighed in relief, helping me up. "Lexi, you really should have waited till I set up the shields! I'm pretty sure you set off alarms all over the place!!!"
I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure it's not that bad. Why am I back here, anyway?"
She held up a tanzanite hairpin and my fire opal bracelet. "I decided to help you out and find some of the jewels too."
"Did you see the storm jewel anywhere?"
"Maybe it was never taken in the first place." Elli said, shrugging.
"That makes sense. Wait, why were one of the jewels in The Lady or the Tiger? I thought that was a Realm?"
"Oh how do I put this... If a story isn't finished or has a vague ending, it can be a Realm and a Verse at the same time."
I looked at her, eyes wide. "You know, right now I'm really glad the last Septimus Heap book isn't out yet."
"Even when it is out, I think you can still go to that Realm. It just might be kind of... hard for you."
"It's not like I'm going to try to change the story! I just want to try a stupid FizzFroot!!! Is that so bad?!?!"
"Yes. Yes it is." Elli deadpanned. Her stomach rumbled. "See, it's making me hungry. Do you mind telling me where the kitchens are?"
"Well, I do, but a certain someone wouldn't." I cupped my hands around my mouth. "Hey Henry, come over here!!!"
"What?" He said grumpily.
"Can you show Elli to the kitchens? I have something to take care of up here."
I smirked as a steady blush spread over both of their faces. This was going to be perfect.
"W-well, um-" Henry stuttered out.
I cut him off. "Really? Great! Now, shoo, shoo!!!" I shoved them out the door and slammed it. My back slid down until I was seated comfortably on the floor. If everything went well those two would confess to each other before I had to leave.
To pass the time I examined my jewel, watching the light reflect off it, revealing many different colors. As pretty as it was, I frowned. It seemed... different somehow. I moved it closer to my face. And suddenly I saw it.
Etched into it ever so faintly, was a feather.
It turns out that when we brought the jewels back to Hexanalyn, everyone in a coma woke up! I feel so proud of myself, my first big mission done! I'm not leaving yet, though. I mean, we still have to celebrate Elli's birthday! Since you know, the party got crashed and all. Well, the next time you hear from me, I'll be dressed in my best having tons of fun!!! See you then!
WARNING: This blog contains a group of awesome girls who fight for happy endings, a blogger who tends to go on the weird side, a lot of missions, and lots of crazy random stuff. Enjoy! P.S. For all you newbies, read from the oldest post to the newest. And please comment!!!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Verse 1: A story yet to bloom...
You know, portals can be very unreliable at times. Sometimes they lead you into a completely different place, or land you somewhere awkward...
I really shouldn't be surprised I landed on someone.
"Oh my gosh, I am so, so sorry. Did I hurt you at all?" I scrambled up and proceeded to check him for injuries.
A weak grunt came from the man I landed on. "I'm... fine... Just knocked... the breath out... of me."
I glanced up to see a semi-barbaric king with an angry expression, glaring at me. "Um, I apologize, your majesty. Uh, what exactly is going on here?"
A random voice spoke up. "It's the courier's trial to see if he was guilty for loving the princess."
Looking around, I eventually came to the conclusion that I was in an arena. This seemed suspiciously like that one story I read...
I furrowed my brow. "But, love can't really be classified as good or evil, right? On one hand, he's guilty because he didn't suppress his feelings, and let them grow. On the other hand, the feelings appeared inside of him, without him really wanting them. In the end, love is just there. It can cause us to do awesome things, or horrible things, but it remains neutral." It seemed I had everyone's attention by now, and murmurs of disbelief echoed throughout the whole arena. "Also, if he truly loved the princess, he would be punished either way, by getting eaten, or by marrying someone he doesn't love. So isn't this whole trial unfair?"
The king turned his glare towards the courier. "JUST OPEN A STUPID DOOR ALREADY!!!"
He slowly stood up and reached for the right door latch. But before he could lift it, both doors crashed down simultaneously, revealing a tiger and a... ninja? The ninja dashed towards the king and pinned him down, while the tiger transformed into another ninja and casually strolled up with a pair of handcuffs.
"Your majesty, you have been found guilty by the ISAR (Inter-Verse Society of Animal Rights) of animal cruelty, and as such, we reserve the right to dole out the necessary punishments." The first ninja stated, as he was being arrested.
His eyes widened in recognition. "Wait, aren't you the lady behind one of the doors?"
She pretended to think for a moment. "Well yeah, but I didn't really want to get hitched, you know?"
The former tiger looked at her without sympathy. "That sounds way better than being deprived of food for half a year."
This time it was my eyes that widened in recognition. I could have sworn I had heard that voice before...
"Who's going to rule now?" Yet another random voice in the arena asked.
I rolled my eyes. "Isn't it obvious? The princess and the courier will." I sent a meaningful look to both of them. "I mean, you might as well get married, since the king can't stop you."
The princess practically leaped into the courier's arms, as the priest, choristers, and dancing maidens came out. In the midst of all the commotion, I spotted the two ninjas slinking away with the king. I ran after them, and finally managed to catch up outside.
"So Cali," I crossed my arms and faced the tiger-turned-ninja. "What in the name of chocolate are you doing here?"
"First of all, at least say my name correctly. It's Kaliazhe. KAH-LEE-AH-ZEH. Second, I actually have a life outside the palace kitchens, not that it's any of your business."
"Speaking of that," I turned to the other ninja. "Do you mind giving me that choker around your neck?"
She blinked."What, this old thing?"
I nodded vigorously."Yes, yes, absolutely."
"Sure, take it." The lady unclasped the choker and tossed it to me. I watched it fly through the air, the dangling jade glinting in the sun, before landing in my open palm.
I gripped it tightly, moving around the back of the arena. After doing a quick scan of the area to make sure no one was there, I released my magic, letting it poke and prod at the jewel. When a soft green glow surrounded the jade, I sighed in relief, then quickly shoved more magic at it, creating a portal.
As the rainbow sparks swirled around me, I dove in, without hesitation.
If anyone knows the story Lexi went to I'll give you virtual cookies!
Also, I think the door the princess chose had the lady behind it because I think she would rather see her love live and possibly be happy, than die.
...If you didn't get that, you probably haven't read the story I was talking about.
I really shouldn't be surprised I landed on someone.
"Oh my gosh, I am so, so sorry. Did I hurt you at all?" I scrambled up and proceeded to check him for injuries.
A weak grunt came from the man I landed on. "I'm... fine... Just knocked... the breath out... of me."
I glanced up to see a semi-barbaric king with an angry expression, glaring at me. "Um, I apologize, your majesty. Uh, what exactly is going on here?"
A random voice spoke up. "It's the courier's trial to see if he was guilty for loving the princess."
Looking around, I eventually came to the conclusion that I was in an arena. This seemed suspiciously like that one story I read...
I furrowed my brow. "But, love can't really be classified as good or evil, right? On one hand, he's guilty because he didn't suppress his feelings, and let them grow. On the other hand, the feelings appeared inside of him, without him really wanting them. In the end, love is just there. It can cause us to do awesome things, or horrible things, but it remains neutral." It seemed I had everyone's attention by now, and murmurs of disbelief echoed throughout the whole arena. "Also, if he truly loved the princess, he would be punished either way, by getting eaten, or by marrying someone he doesn't love. So isn't this whole trial unfair?"
The king turned his glare towards the courier. "JUST OPEN A STUPID DOOR ALREADY!!!"
He slowly stood up and reached for the right door latch. But before he could lift it, both doors crashed down simultaneously, revealing a tiger and a... ninja? The ninja dashed towards the king and pinned him down, while the tiger transformed into another ninja and casually strolled up with a pair of handcuffs.
"Your majesty, you have been found guilty by the ISAR (Inter-Verse Society of Animal Rights) of animal cruelty, and as such, we reserve the right to dole out the necessary punishments." The first ninja stated, as he was being arrested.
His eyes widened in recognition. "Wait, aren't you the lady behind one of the doors?"
She pretended to think for a moment. "Well yeah, but I didn't really want to get hitched, you know?"
The former tiger looked at her without sympathy. "That sounds way better than being deprived of food for half a year."
This time it was my eyes that widened in recognition. I could have sworn I had heard that voice before...
"Who's going to rule now?" Yet another random voice in the arena asked.
I rolled my eyes. "Isn't it obvious? The princess and the courier will." I sent a meaningful look to both of them. "I mean, you might as well get married, since the king can't stop you."
The princess practically leaped into the courier's arms, as the priest, choristers, and dancing maidens came out. In the midst of all the commotion, I spotted the two ninjas slinking away with the king. I ran after them, and finally managed to catch up outside.
"So Cali," I crossed my arms and faced the tiger-turned-ninja. "What in the name of chocolate are you doing here?"
"First of all, at least say my name correctly. It's Kaliazhe. KAH-LEE-AH-ZEH. Second, I actually have a life outside the palace kitchens, not that it's any of your business."
"Speaking of that," I turned to the other ninja. "Do you mind giving me that choker around your neck?"
She blinked."What, this old thing?"
I nodded vigorously."Yes, yes, absolutely."
"Sure, take it." The lady unclasped the choker and tossed it to me. I watched it fly through the air, the dangling jade glinting in the sun, before landing in my open palm.
I gripped it tightly, moving around the back of the arena. After doing a quick scan of the area to make sure no one was there, I released my magic, letting it poke and prod at the jewel. When a soft green glow surrounded the jade, I sighed in relief, then quickly shoved more magic at it, creating a portal.
As the rainbow sparks swirled around me, I dove in, without hesitation.
If anyone knows the story Lexi went to I'll give you virtual cookies!
Also, I think the door the princess chose had the lady behind it because I think she would rather see her love live and possibly be happy, than die.
...If you didn't get that, you probably haven't read the story I was talking about.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Portal chains, portraits, and wait, is that verses I see?
Obviously, going into the portal first, meant that I was the first one to arrive at our destination.
"Hey Henry, Elli's on her way, and she has something to tell yo- Oww!"
Elli stood in front of me, arms crossed. "Lexi, I told I would tell him after we find the jewels! You have absolutely no right to-" Suddenly, a blush spread across her face. "Oh, s-sorry Henry. I, um, didn't notice you there."
"Right Elli, you didn't notice the guy staring at you, grinning like an idiot." I said sarcastically.
Henry flushed furiously. "I was not grinning like an idiot!"
I raised an eyebrow. "Then you admit to staring at her?"
"I didn't do that either! Elli needs to be treated with respect, and that does not mean staring at her and grinning like an idiot, which you wrongly accused me of doing!"
"I'm the same rank as Elli, and you never treat me with respect!"
"Well, you don't deserve it."
Elli stepped in. "Look, I know both of you were separated for most of your lives, but can you catch up on the sibling quarrels later? We have a job to do."
"Sir, yes, sir!" I mock-saluted Elli.
"Okay then, Lexi, did you receive a small portrait of yourself? Can you give it to me?"
"Sir, yes, sir!" I reached into my pocket and tossed it at her.
"Lexi, just stop."
"Sir,yes-" Elli shot a glare at me. "Ugh, fine."
Elli reached into her pocket and pulled out five more portraits of different people. Looking closer, I saw that they were portraits of the other Chosen, including Elli.
"Do you know about the Jewel's Safeguard yet?" Elli asked, looking towards me.
I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. "Um, no?"
Elli took a deep breath. "The jewels were made so that anyone could use them, in case something happened to the Chosen. However, if a jewel falls into the hands of someone with a hint of dark magic, it activates the Jewel's Safeguard, which immediately transports the jewel to a safe Verse. The portraits, when put together in a certain way, create a chain of portals that lead to the Verses that have the jewels. Luckily, I managed to make a few stop-overs to the other countries and collect these. Any questions?"
I raised my hand slightly. "What's a Verse?"
Elli facepalmed. "You're in the Mystique, and you still don't know?!"
"Well, anyway, Verses are the worlds that were created by imagination or dreams but haven't been written down, or made into a movie yet."
"That makes so much sense now, thanks!" I rolled my sleeves up. "Now let's get crackin'!"
A few hours later...
"Ugh, I can't take it anymore!!!" I screamed, clutching at my hair. "My head hurts, I'm starving, and we've been staring at these for ages!!!" I threw one of the portraits down on the pile and stomped off.
A loud click and the sound of gears whirring came from behind me. I whirled around just in time to see the rest of the portraits click together, and transform into something almost unrecognizable.
Elli leaped up and hugged me. "Hooray, we can get on with it now!!!" She bent down to unlatch the seashell jewel and pressed it into a slot. A tell-tale rainbow light burst from the jewel.
Henry looked at me. "Well Lexi, it is your mission..."
I grinned back at him, unashamedly. "Don't worry, I'll get those jewels back no matter what!"
"Hey Henry, Elli's on her way, and she has something to tell yo- Oww!"
Elli stood in front of me, arms crossed. "Lexi, I told I would tell him after we find the jewels! You have absolutely no right to-" Suddenly, a blush spread across her face. "Oh, s-sorry Henry. I, um, didn't notice you there."
"Right Elli, you didn't notice the guy staring at you, grinning like an idiot." I said sarcastically.
Henry flushed furiously. "I was not grinning like an idiot!"
I raised an eyebrow. "Then you admit to staring at her?"
"I didn't do that either! Elli needs to be treated with respect, and that does not mean staring at her and grinning like an idiot, which you wrongly accused me of doing!"
"I'm the same rank as Elli, and you never treat me with respect!"
"Well, you don't deserve it."
Elli stepped in. "Look, I know both of you were separated for most of your lives, but can you catch up on the sibling quarrels later? We have a job to do."
"Sir, yes, sir!" I mock-saluted Elli.
"Okay then, Lexi, did you receive a small portrait of yourself? Can you give it to me?"
"Sir, yes, sir!" I reached into my pocket and tossed it at her.
"Lexi, just stop."
"Sir,yes-" Elli shot a glare at me. "Ugh, fine."
Elli reached into her pocket and pulled out five more portraits of different people. Looking closer, I saw that they were portraits of the other Chosen, including Elli.
"Do you know about the Jewel's Safeguard yet?" Elli asked, looking towards me.
I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. "Um, no?"
Elli took a deep breath. "The jewels were made so that anyone could use them, in case something happened to the Chosen. However, if a jewel falls into the hands of someone with a hint of dark magic, it activates the Jewel's Safeguard, which immediately transports the jewel to a safe Verse. The portraits, when put together in a certain way, create a chain of portals that lead to the Verses that have the jewels. Luckily, I managed to make a few stop-overs to the other countries and collect these. Any questions?"
I raised my hand slightly. "What's a Verse?"
Elli facepalmed. "You're in the Mystique, and you still don't know?!"
"Well, anyway, Verses are the worlds that were created by imagination or dreams but haven't been written down, or made into a movie yet."
"That makes so much sense now, thanks!" I rolled my sleeves up. "Now let's get crackin'!"
A few hours later...
"Ugh, I can't take it anymore!!!" I screamed, clutching at my hair. "My head hurts, I'm starving, and we've been staring at these for ages!!!" I threw one of the portraits down on the pile and stomped off.
A loud click and the sound of gears whirring came from behind me. I whirled around just in time to see the rest of the portraits click together, and transform into something almost unrecognizable.
Elli leaped up and hugged me. "Hooray, we can get on with it now!!!" She bent down to unlatch the seashell jewel and pressed it into a slot. A tell-tale rainbow light burst from the jewel.
Henry looked at me. "Well Lexi, it is your mission..."
I grinned back at him, unashamedly. "Don't worry, I'll get those jewels back no matter what!"
Monday, August 6, 2012
Well, someone's being a hyper scaredy-cat today...
For a moment I froze, locked in a staredown with those clear blue eyes. Then...
"Elli!' I squealed, throwing my arms around her. "You're finally awake! There's so much I have to tell you!"
Ellie untangled her limbs from my grip and blinked a couple of times. "Lexi... I just had the strangest dream ever... " She sat up straighter and looked around "Wait, why are we in the hospital ward?"
I winced "Well, we were sort of hoping you knew... All I know is that you were found in a coma on the ballroom floor. Oh and your jewel was stolen but I have it back now!" I held up the seashell anklet triumphantly.
"Oh, thank you, thank you so much!" Elli grabbed her jewel and hugged it close to her chest.
"Anything for my honorary sister."I waved her off with a smile. "Now," I began "What was that about a strange dream?"
Elli frowned in deep thought. "Well, the other Chosen and I were in this prairie meadow sort of thing and we were having a picnic. Then you came along, and I was introducing you to everyone else, and everything was all fine and dandy." Her brow furrowed. "But then they came."
"Can you tell me about them?" I prompted.
"Um well, they looked like very beautiful, graceful, pale-skinned people. Like the Fey, but a bit off. It's probably because they stopped looking so pretty when they attacked."
"Did they seem kind of like a melting blob dipped in gasoline?"
She shook her head frantically. "They didn't look that ugly. They were more... insane. And I don't mean your brand of oh-my-gosh-I'm-so-hyper-it-seems-like-I'm-insane-but-I'm-not."
"Are you really sure about that? 'Cause I was there too, and they seemed like creepy gasoline blobs half the time."
"Absolutely positively sure. Wait, you were in the dream too? Does that mean-"
"No, it doesn't mean anything." I cut her off."Henry actually created a dream world thingy where he stuck you and the other Chosen."
"Oh, how sweet of him..." Elli trailed off, with a dreamy look on her face.
I rolled my eyes. Elli's crush on Henry is so painfully obvious, it's a miracle no one has realized it yet. Or maybe some people have and they're just keeping quiet about it...
"Elli, please snap out of it." I waved my hand in front of her face.
"Oh, sorry Lexi." She smiled sheepishly. "So, what happened to the other Chosen?"
I winced again. "Well, they're sorta kinda still in a coma, and their jewels are sorta kinda missing. Except for the storm jewel and it's unknown owner." "Oh shoot, we have to get those jewels back! Lexi, can you help me make a portal?"
I shook my head sadly. "Sorry, but no. You saw me give up my jewel, and if I used yours, it might backfire."
"I- I'm sorry Lexi. I should have known-"
"It's okay. Wait, how am I not in a coma yet?"
"Probably because you're part phoenix." Elli explained. "You don't have to be as dependent on your jewel as the other Chosen are."
"Oh, that makes sense... Hey, where are we going, anyways?"
"To Phiriexell, of course."
"Then can I just get there another way?" I scratched the back of my head. "I think I'm getting portal-sick."
"Well, if you want to spread your wings and fly there-"
"Never mind, I'm coming with you." It's hard having wings and being scared of heights.
Elli gestured at the newly-made portal. "Former lady's maids first."
I scowled. "Fine. On one condition. You absolutely have to confess to Henry while we're there."
She sighed. "Okay."
I grinned triumphantly and stepped into the portal. The grin soon disappeared when I heard a faint 'After we get all the jewels back." from Elli
Dang it.
"Elli!' I squealed, throwing my arms around her. "You're finally awake! There's so much I have to tell you!"
Ellie untangled her limbs from my grip and blinked a couple of times. "Lexi... I just had the strangest dream ever... " She sat up straighter and looked around "Wait, why are we in the hospital ward?"
I winced "Well, we were sort of hoping you knew... All I know is that you were found in a coma on the ballroom floor. Oh and your jewel was stolen but I have it back now!" I held up the seashell anklet triumphantly.
"Oh, thank you, thank you so much!" Elli grabbed her jewel and hugged it close to her chest.
"Anything for my honorary sister."I waved her off with a smile. "Now," I began "What was that about a strange dream?"
Elli frowned in deep thought. "Well, the other Chosen and I were in this prairie meadow sort of thing and we were having a picnic. Then you came along, and I was introducing you to everyone else, and everything was all fine and dandy." Her brow furrowed. "But then they came."
"Can you tell me about them?" I prompted.
"Um well, they looked like very beautiful, graceful, pale-skinned people. Like the Fey, but a bit off. It's probably because they stopped looking so pretty when they attacked."
"Did they seem kind of like a melting blob dipped in gasoline?"
She shook her head frantically. "They didn't look that ugly. They were more... insane. And I don't mean your brand of oh-my-gosh-I'm-so-hyper-it-seems-like-I'm-insane-but-I'm-not."
"Are you really sure about that? 'Cause I was there too, and they seemed like creepy gasoline blobs half the time."
"Absolutely positively sure. Wait, you were in the dream too? Does that mean-"
"No, it doesn't mean anything." I cut her off."Henry actually created a dream world thingy where he stuck you and the other Chosen."
"Oh, how sweet of him..." Elli trailed off, with a dreamy look on her face.
I rolled my eyes. Elli's crush on Henry is so painfully obvious, it's a miracle no one has realized it yet. Or maybe some people have and they're just keeping quiet about it...
"Elli, please snap out of it." I waved my hand in front of her face.
"Oh, sorry Lexi." She smiled sheepishly. "So, what happened to the other Chosen?"
I winced again. "Well, they're sorta kinda still in a coma, and their jewels are sorta kinda missing. Except for the storm jewel and it's unknown owner." "Oh shoot, we have to get those jewels back! Lexi, can you help me make a portal?"
I shook my head sadly. "Sorry, but no. You saw me give up my jewel, and if I used yours, it might backfire."
"I- I'm sorry Lexi. I should have known-"
"It's okay. Wait, how am I not in a coma yet?"
"Probably because you're part phoenix." Elli explained. "You don't have to be as dependent on your jewel as the other Chosen are."
"Oh, that makes sense... Hey, where are we going, anyways?"
"To Phiriexell, of course."
"Then can I just get there another way?" I scratched the back of my head. "I think I'm getting portal-sick."
"Well, if you want to spread your wings and fly there-"
"Never mind, I'm coming with you." It's hard having wings and being scared of heights.
Elli gestured at the newly-made portal. "Former lady's maids first."
I scowled. "Fine. On one condition. You absolutely have to confess to Henry while we're there."
She sighed. "Okay."
I grinned triumphantly and stepped into the portal. The grin soon disappeared when I heard a faint 'After we get all the jewels back." from Elli
Dang it.
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