Sunday, July 29, 2012

If you see someone in extreme stomach pain... Yeah, that wasn't me

Okay, so maybe it was sorta, kinda, all my fault. Well, don't look at me like that! It was for the good of the land after all. Besides, it's not like I wanted to do it. The whole thing was incredibly icky and disgusting and... Eww, mental image.
Anyway, I had to clear that up before you heard about this.

    I slunk around the corner, ninja fashion. The goal was to find Henry- I mean, the general- and knock him out. Then I would raid his room for clues and- If I had enough time- convince him to stop calling himself by that stupid title.
   "Hey Lexi, what the heck are you doing?"
I jumped "Uh... 'Ello, Henry! I was just looking for you! I had to give you, um..." I fumbled around for a moment. "This muffin!" I cried, pulling it out of my pocket. "You absolutely have to try it. I think it's Cali's best batch yet!"
    He narrowed his eyes at the napkin-wrapped lump. "Are you sure that isn't one of your failed attempts at cooking?"
    I nodded my head vigorously. "Positive. Now, eat it!" I shoved it in front of his face.
    Henry gingerly took a bite. He closed his eyes in satisfaction "You know, this isn't actually-"
    Henry crumpled on the ground. I stood over him, holding a burnt baguette, one of my so-called failed attempts at cooking. I smirked.
    "Oh, dear brother, you should know that it is always a bad idea to insult a girl's cooking." Then I did one of those dramatic hair tosses and calmly strolled into his room.
     A few hours later, Henry's room had been torn to pieces, my air of calmness was completely gone, and there wasn't a magical jewel in sight. I slumped to the floor, totally defeated. 
      At this rate, Elli and the others were never going to wake up. I would never be able to read with her in the library, or stay up 'till midnight giggling over each other's secrets, or experiment with our magic...
       I facepalmed. How could I have forgotten that oh so easy answer to my problem?
       Sparks whirled around me and the scent of cinnamon filled the air, as I called on my magic. All I had to do now was concentrate on Elli, and- there! A blue light flashed in the corner of my eye. I spun around, just in time to see Henry moan and roll over...
       And the blue light coming from inside his stomach.
       I facepalmed yet again. This was going to take a lot of disgusting work. 

       Yeah, for the sake of everybody else's state of mind, I'm censoring this part out. All you need to know is that I may or may not have shoved something down his throat, that may or may not have made him throw up. Rest assured, though. No permanent harm was done. Okay, back to the story.

      As I picked up the seashell jewel, I conveniently forgot what happens when you overload something with magic. And so, I didn't notice the portal until it was too late.
     The portal unceremoniously  dumped me on the floor. I groaned and rubbed my back.
      "Geez, couldn't those stupid portals give me a... better...landing..." My voice trailed off as I stared into a pair of bright blue eyes.

Oh my gosh, I haven't posted in like, a month! That's too long!!! *starts sobbing* But anyway, did you notice all those beautiful colors. I finally found the text color button :D